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Digital Heritage Project

Digital Heritage Project

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269 Highway 20
Box 726
Bella Coola, B.C.
V0T 1C0

Phone: 250-799-0021

Museum News

Freedom Road Exhibit

The Freedom Road Exhibit project is now complete. This initiative included a permanent black and white photo exhibit in the museum, a small traveling exhibit for use in public spaces, a small booklet available available for $4 in the gift store, a commemorative postcard and a slideshow on this website. Funding was provided for this project thanks to: B.C. Hydro, the Vancouver Foundation and the Leon and Thea Koerner Foundation.

Bella Coola Valley Digital Heritage Project: Phase II

This project is now complete and can be found on the Digital Heritage Project page. Over 600 new images were added to the searchable photo collection. For life long learners and teachers and researchers a new History of Logging page has been created. Along with a short history on loggin in the Bella Coola Valley there is a 1930' logging video and a slideshow on the history of logging in the Valley from pre European contact to the year 2000. All of these materials are available to teaching staff and institutions at their request.

This project was made possible through funding from Heritage Canada, Library and Archives Canada, Irving K. Barber Learning Centre UBC and the Federal Governmen'ts Official Languages Support Project.

Museum School Program

The museum is able to continue with its school presentations, which are offered throughout the year. In addition, Arts Now, B.C. Hydro and the Direct Access Program provided funding for the museum's first education package, "History of Logging in the Bella Coola Valley." The initiative includes a comprehensive educator's package for teaching students in Grades 2 to Grade 7 about our local history.

An educational DVD has been produced depicting a pictorial history of the Bella Coola Valley that includes a quiz.

Museun Building Exterior Conservation Project

With assistance from the Heritage Legacy Fund and Williams Lake and District Credit Union our historic building is now protected with a preservative/ preventative coating.

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